Fresh, succulent and exceptional!The great diffusion of kiwi is due to different factors: first is its unmistakable taste and color which characterizes it and makes it different from other fruits; second of all, but not least, its beneficial impact on human organism.
Kiwi is rich in nutritive compounds and vitamins and contains fiber, potassium, magnesium, copper, and many vitamins like E and K, but most of all Vitamin C in a percentage which is even higher than in oranges and lemons.
These characteristics make it an advisable fruit, suitable for everyone. Verona has an area which is particularly favorable to the cultivation of kiwi, specifically the production of Verona shows exceptional durability and immediately was inserted into the Italian Exchequer as one of the standard for quality and quantity. Our Kiwi is a full member of the consortium "Kiwifruit of Italy", whose main objective is the enhancement of Italian kiwi, through the adoption of guaranteed quality standards and implementation of integrated marketing strategies to clients.
The origins of KiwiKiwi found its origin in China , more than 700 years ago, where it was already appreciated by the royal court. The fruit arrived in New Zealand in 1906, thanks to some local missionaries coming back from China , who brought with them some wild plants that would have been used as ornamental plants.
At the beginning of the fifties, the botanist Hayward Wright, after long and repeated studies succeeded in obtaining the first commercial variety, giving it his own name.