Ingredients of a well-established experience
Frutta C2 originates from the cooperation of two traditional Farms which, for over a fifty-year period and two generations, produced peaches and nectarines in a renowned territory as Rosegaferro, in the province Verona.
During this first period Frutta C2 operates with the aim of enhancing the value of its production and seeking new market outlets through innovative fruit packaging and conditioning systems.
In 1985 Verona began kiwi production, Frutta C2 tests the first plantations and commits itself to market fruit of neighboring producers.
Since then many enlargements have been made, technical and organizational updating improvements, with the building of further cold storage rooms, and extension development of processing departments.
Attention to product's quality and technological upgrading led Frutta C2 to sell its product to all main Italian, European and worldwide GDO buyers.
Company’s mission is to sell a healthy, attractive and safe product, which enables the consumer to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Fruit C2 is committed to saving energy and protecting the environment: it uses renewable energy sources and requires its suppliers to use eco-friendly farming techniques. Our challenge is to match these standards with productive modernity that gives us a tangible competitiveness on the market.
We are committed to ensuring safe and healthy workplaces, wages commensurate with the cost of living and to respect the guidelines and sensitive data of employees.
In a broader context, Fruit C2 tends to the promotion of Italian products and would like to contribute to the development of the entire national agricultural sector, promoting events and contributing with its experience, the activities of industry associations. Our company is one of the founders of the Consortium "Kiwifruit of Italy" that enhances the Italian products in the world by imposing quality standards.
Who we are